Psalm 8 marks a turning point in David’s life. Expounding on this chapter, Pastor Bobby Chaw preached about the fragility of Man and the love God has for humankind. “What is…
Eleanor Tan

Eleanor Tan
“God is good…all the time. All the time… God is good.” Christians say this out of habit, but do believers truly believe that God is good? At last weekend’s service,…
CommunityEye On Society
House Of JOY’s CrossFit “Elderletes” Raise Funds For Children
By Eleanor TanFive elderly athletes from CHCSA’s House of JOY participated in a fundraising CrossFit competition, Operation Broken Wing and raised $1,350 in support of Singapore Children’s Society. It was an…
Last week (Jan 14 to 18, 2019), City Harvest Church held “The Crowning Sessions”, a week of early morning prayer meetings via Internet. It proved to be a breakthrough in…
For the first time since its founding, CHC’s Jesus For All Minds (JAMs) service held its first water baptism for 34 of its members. Water baptism is a significant milestone…
CHC AppChurch & MissionsEditors_PickPopularPosts
Share God’s Heart Of Compassion For The Lost: Aries Zulkarnain
By Eleanor Tan“A soul winner is someone who prays for the lost and show love to the unchurched,” says Pastor Aries Zulkarnain. Christmas is a season of harvest, a season for salvation,…
CHC AppChurch & MissionsEditors_PickPopularPosts
On Faith, Hope, Love: Aries Zulkarnain
By Eleanor TanA church is only as strong as its members. On the weekend leading up to City Harvest Church’s 29th anniversary, executive pastor Aries Zulkarnain thanked the members for their faith, hope…
CHC AppEye On SocietyFeatures
Daniel Teh At TEDxNTU: Honoring Those With Special Needs
By Eleanor TanCity Harvest Church member Daniel Teh, founder of social enterprise Pope Jai Thai, was invited by the TEDxNTU team to share his story on August 26 this year. He spoke…
Heaven has a culture and that is the kind of culture City Harvest Church needs to build. “What kind of culture should we build here in City Harvest Church? What…
With the annual Formula One race happening last weekend, Pastor Aries Zulkarnain delivered a timely message on the importance of taking pit stops in the race of life. The weekend…
About Eleanor Tan
Eleanor Tan is a currently a student at Republic Polytechnic studying Human Resource & Psychology. In her free time, she's usually found working out in the gym, doing abstract art, or at home in bed binge-watching TV shows. She is a huge fan of naps as well.
Here are my most recent posts
Consecration is all about Jesus; and to have a relationship with Him, it is crucial to hear His voice, preached Pastor Choong Tsih-Ming. “One of the first and most vital…
Contending For God’s Presence: SOT Graduation 2018
Seven months of intense Bible School can be a wonderful spiritual bubble, but what happens after you graduate and go back to “normal” life? How do you find the same…