October is Pastor Appreciation Month! In this fifth part of our series, we celebrate Pastor Edmund Tay, Pastor Jeremy Choy, and Pastor Joseph Ang.
Apostle Paul instructed Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:2 to, “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.” This still describes pastors today, who continue to patiently guide their flock daily.
To appreciate Pastor Edmund, Pastor Jeremy and Pastor Joseph, we invited each of their disciples to answer three questions about them.

Pastor Edmund (left) and his wife Jiahui (right) with Gwendolyn and her husband on their wedding day
1. One thing my pastor always says… “Solid lah!” Pastor always says this in response to our testimonies and breakthroughs. I’m thankful he is always there to celebrate the goodness of God in our lives!
2. That time my pastor conducted spiritual warfare…was during our youth camp this year. We experienced a mighty move of deliverance. After the youth camp had ended, Pastor felt in his spirit that there was a deeper cleansing work God wanted to do in the lives of the young people. As such, we organised more sessions to minister to the members, praying and believing for complete deliverance and freedom. And what powerful meetings we had—the love of God flowed so freely! I’m thankful that Pastor Edmund constantly leads us to press in for more of God’s will and kingdom in our midst—on earth as it is in heaven!!
3. If my Pastor was food, he would be…88 Roasted Char Siew! It’s the best of its kind, and in the same way, Pastor Edmund is the best pastor and spiritual father to me! This char siew also comes highly recommended by Pastor himself. Likewise, I would give my pastor a 5-star review—not because he is perfect, but because he loves God and all of us in a way that touches and inspires me so deeply.

Pastor Jeremy (left) with Joanne and her husband Kenneth
1. What food or drinks do I order for my Pastor? A good cup of coffee always perks him up. Pastor Jeremy likes desserts too. Don’t ask me how he keeps in such good shape!
2. I will always be grateful to my Pastor for…trusting us and giving us the space to grow in our walk with God. While he gives us the freedom to develop our calling, he is also always readily available for us when we need him.
3. A Bible verse that my pastor always quotes…is Philippians 2:12, “Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,” There was a season when he kept exhorting us with this verse. It’s now stuck in my head because it strengthens my foundation in the Lord. I’m reminded not to be casual in my walk with God and to always pursue Him wholeheartedly.

Khen Theen celebrated Pastor Joseph on his birthday at his home last year
1. My first memory of my Pastor…was when we were in (the then) Tampines Junior College in 1990. We were in the same Orientation Group; he was in the Commerce Faculty while I was in the Science Faculty. We built a friendship after that. I joined Ekklesia Ministry in Aug 1990 and realised that we had many friends in common, especially those who studied in TPJC, like Pastor Bobby and Sandy Yeo. Pastor Jo was on the college basketball team and I remember watching him play in some matches—he had many fans.
Pastor Jo was always friendly and carried a lovely smile. I remembered some friends commenting on how attractive his eyes were. They used the phrase “勾魂眼” to describe his eyes. Can’t believe I remember all these after so many years.
2. The most sacrificial thing my Pastor has done…There are more than one. I faced parental persecution all through my junior college and National Service days, even during the first few years in the University. My parents were worried that the Church was “brain-washing” the members to give away our lives and our money. It was during this time that I started attending cell group more regularly, from the Military Fellowship under Pastor Ming (1993 -1994) to a youth cell group under Pastor Joseph (1994 – 1996). He was my CGL and we reached out to many younger members. In 1996, the cell group multiplied and I became a CGL. You could say that Pst Jo was one of those who impacted my life and raised me up as a CGL. Pastor Jo was our Chinese interpreter during our wedding in Nov 2001, and later after Andreas and Marie Skogvard left, Pastor Jo took over the zone and I was back under him from 2015 to 2018.
During University, Pastor Joseph was staying in Sheares Hall which was beside the Science Faculty. I remember hanging out with him and even “bunking” in with him on a few occasions when I had to study late into the night. (This was disallowed, if you are not paying to stay in the hall, kekee… so that was a sacrifice Pastor Jo made for me as a friend.)
Pastor Jo became a family friend. I remember him visiting my parents and building good relationships with them. Many years later, my parents still remember him and call him by his Chinese name. I will always remember the kindness that he has shown my family. When my mother was going through her cancer journey in 2016, Pastor Jo visited her and prayed for her in the hospital.
3. My wish for my Pastor is…that he will always be in good health just as his soul prospers. And to tell him “thank you” for all these years of unwavering friendship. He has demonstrated through his life, the goodness and faithfulness of God.