With the pandemic still afoot and church services held online, it can be hard for Christians to receive ministry or to simply linger in the presence of God corporately. Prayer Space provides an online platform for City Harvest Church members to gather virtually to pray. Our writer shares her experience.
“God is still a miracle-working God. He hears our cries, and He hears our prayers. He is always here with us and for us.”
These were timely reminders for me, when I attended the Prayer Space after the weekend service on Aug 1 and 2.
Throughout the two sessions, it was evident that the Holy Spirit and His works are not confined to any physical space. Healing can take place even through the Internet: God is omnipresent and it is more evident in this season where Christians cannot gather together in the upper room.
Prayer Space, which happens every first weekend of the month through Zoom, was launched in July. Already, many have been healed physically, emotionally and spiritually through the sessions.
Prayer Space has two different segments. One is the Altar Call where two pastors lead a prayer meeting that is open to anyone who joins the meeting. This session opens with worship, and as the pastors feel the leading of the Holy Spirit, they would call out an item to be prayed over. Those who need prayers in those areas can respond and be prayed for.
The other segment is the private Prayer Rooms. These are open to those who need to be prayed for and ministered to regarding specific issues. The Prayer Rooms are open to CHC members by pre-booking only, and serve a limited number of people per session.
I signed up for this private prayer session and was given the link for the Soaking Room, where I could worship while waiting enter a breakout room.
Due to an old foot joint injury, I had a couple of years ago, my right foot often felt stiff or numb if hadn’t been moving. It would also swell up after I worked out, or something even when I walked. I had gone for X-rays but there were no visible fractures in my foot. I became accustomed to the pain and it became a part of my daily life.
However, right before the Prayer Room started, this ongoing problem suddenly came to my mind, and I felt an impression in my heart that it was not something I had to live with any longer. God is our healer; even though my injury was minor, He would still bring healing.
Once I was ushered into the individual breakout room with the two intercessors who would pray for me, I told them about my injury. As they prayed over my right foot, I felt the pain ease. Since that day, it has not swelled up at all.
In the Soaking Room, I received a word from one of the intercessors: patience. It was a word that I did not know I needed. I find that there are times where a person grows tired for praying for the same things in life without actually receiving an answer or seeing things change. When I heard the word “patience”, I felt a sense of assurance and comfort. I was reminded that God hears the cries and prayers of His people. Undoubtedly, He sees the many tears I have shed, the pain I felt, the worries of my heart—He has been with me through them all.
Isaiah 40:31 tells us that those who wait on the Lord will find renewed strength, those who would soar with wings like eagles and would neither be weary nor faint. As long as I do not give up and continue to lean upon the Holy Spirit, I know there is nothing I need to be afraid of. Oftentimes, we need reminders that God has always been here for us and He is still working despite how we feel about our circumstances.
There is a time and season for everything. Those who sow in tears will reap in joy. These are the promises of God.
During the prayer session, I also had an image of dry land, representing the barrenness many of us are going through, or how we feel about the circumstances in our lives right now, especially with the ongoing pandemic. I saw rivers of living water flowing from the heavens. I was reminded that it is in God’s presence that my soul is refreshed, revitalized, strengthened, and uplifted, all ready for another day in Christ Jesus.
Photo by Amaury Gutierrez on Unsplash
Despite the barrenness or hopelessness that we are currently facing, it is in the presence of the Lord where our hope is renewed. In a season such as this, where we are swamped by negative news and uncertainties, we need to remind ourselves to come back to our source of hope and truth; Jesus Himself. Taking time to soak in the presence of God at Prayer Space really helped me to focus, not on my circumstances, but on Who our God is and what His words say about us.
During these two sessions, I felt so ministered to. I received much more than I expected or thought I needed—indeed, God knows everything about me.
This coming weekend (Sep 5 and 6), CHC members can join in Prayer Space after service, or sign up for private prayers through their cell group leaders. It’s a great opportunity to come before Jesus in praise, thanksgiving, and worship, to enter into the presence of the Lord and find rest.
To join Prayer Space after service on Sep 5 and 6, simply click on the Zoom link provided at chc.org.sg or on CHC’s social media platforms. Closing date for registration for personal prayer is Sep 2. Contact your cell group leader to book a slot.
“When we had physical church services at Suntec, there was a prayer space that member could come to for prayers,” explains Pastor Eileen Toh who heads CHC’s Intercessory Ministry. “Prayer Space was created to meet this need at this point in time.”
“It is a stop-gap ministry to give members the opportunity to worship, to soak and linger in God’s presence and at the same time, receive a prophetic word and respond to the altar call. This session is open for 45 minutes through Zoom, and is headed by a key pastor with pastoral staff assisting. Members are free to express their worship—they may pray, prostrate, do prophetic dance, create prophetic paintings, bear flags.”