Tertiary students from the five polytechnics in Singapore unite for a common purpose.
Contributed By Yeap Yi Xuan
One would never think that the dream of two ex-polytechnic students, inspired by an inter-university campus ministry meeting, would lead to the gathering of a total of 90 current students and alumni from the five polytechnics in Singapore in a single event with a common purpose: to see revival in their campuses.
The gathering, Poly Unite, took place one evening on Sep. 7 at City College and was publicized by word of mouth and through its Facebook page for all polytechnic members in City Harvest Church. Based on the verse Matthew 9:37, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few,” the event saw a mix of students from Singapore Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Nanyang Polytechnic, Republic Polytechnic and Temasek Polytechnic.
The event began with a treasure hunt where participants were divided according to their schools and then made to find items such as Bibles and EZ-link cards. There was also a time of praise and worship, which was followed by a moving testimony by a student, Desmond Lee, 29, who has since graduated with a diploma in information technology from Republic Polytechnic. Lee shared how God transformed his life and from a school dropout, became one of the top students in his cohort, graduating with a GPA of 3.95 out of 4. He has also received four pay increments after working for one and a half years since graduation.
CHC pastor, Lim Meng Chin, then shared a practical message on school outreach evangelism, sharing a testimony of how a polytechnic group in his zone grew from four to 40 people in a year through persistent prayer and fasting. Lim also taught on how to increase the anointing of the Holy Spirit in one’s life as “the anointing enables us to do what we normally cannot do,” he said.
After the sharing of the word, Lim prayed for every student at the meeting and released him or her into an effective school outreach ministry. Following that, the students enjoyed a time of fellowship as they mingled with one another and made new friends.
Chen Junwen, 24, one of the organizers of the event, and a graduate of Temasek Polytechnic, said, “This is the first monthly meeting where students from various polytechnics in CHC come together to be equipped, be ministered to and connect to fellow City Harvesters from the same campus as well as to be carriers of revival and win the campuses for Christ.”
Another student, Jeremy Lim, 18, a year two from Ngee Ann polytechnic shared, “I was really impacted by the preaching by Pastor Meng Chin to be the salt and light in our campus and to shine for God in our studies.” He is currently pursuing a diploma in Clean Energy Management.
“It was a great event which inspired us students to want to shine for God anywhere and everywhere we go. I gained quite a lot of knowledge from the message shared by Pastor Meng Chin but in summary, I learnt how to be a soul winner for Christ,” shared Rachel Tay, 18, from Temasek Polytechnic.
Poly Unite will be held once every month, with a CHC pastor or zone supervisor sharing the Word at each session. There are two more meetings, one on Oct. 12 and Nov. 2, to be held at City College. For more information, email info@chc.org.sg.