Led by missions pastor Stephen Goh, CHC members brought God’s love and healing to Malaysia.
Contributed By Annie Wong
“[T]hey will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
~ Mark 16:18.
When Stephen Goh, 58, a missions pastor in City Harvest Church, led two teams of CHC members to its affiliate churches in Malaysia: Rhema Church, Sitiawan, and City Harvest Christian Fellowship, Sibu, the teams witnessed numerous miraculous healings in its services.
Touched by Goh’s “humility, love and dedication in serving God and His people,” team member for Sitiawan, Celine Tien, 20, a university student was glad to have had the privilege to travel with Goh and his wife, Angela. “He even took time to pray and minister to each one of us,” she said. Another team member, Dawn Chionh, 34, an administrator, who went on the Sibu trip, agreed with her that Goh treated each one as his equal.
Rhema Church, Sitiawan
From June 17 to 19, a team of six, together with Goh, ministered at CHC’s affiliate church Rhema Church in Sitiawan. They conducted three night meetings plus a session at the Sunday school.
The team members had never attended a Sunday school service before, much less conduct one. But they took the materials given by the church and led the meeting, not without some trepidation. They had gone hoping to bless the children, and found that they were in turn tremendously blessed as they saw how deeply the children loved God. “Every single child lifted up his and her hands to worship God, and the love of God was so evident in the meeting,” said Tien.
At night, the team helped out in the miracle healing services. Instead of preaching merely about healing, Goh taught on “shalom,” the Hebrew word for peace. He taught the people that there is power in using the word “shalom.” He explained that when one says the word “shalom,” he or she is actually “commanding peace to come.”
Tien found her own faith growing as the meetings occurred. During one night service, she prayed for the physical healing of a girl, not knowing what her exact illness was. Unknown to Tien, the girl’s doctors had not been able to help her in the last two years, but that night after praying, the pain in her neck was totally gone. On another occasion, Tien witnessed a woman who had come to the meeting in a wheelchair leaving the meeting without it—she had been healed by the power of God.
City Harvest Christian Fellowship, Sibu
From July 2 to 4, Goh led another team of nine CHC members to City Harvest Christian Fellowship in Sibu, Malaysia. The team was made up of working adults and a School Of Theology student from Taiwan. During the three days they were there, the team ministered in three services, which saw about 80 people in each service.

Pastor Stephen (seated, center), his wife, Angela, and the CHC team in Sibu Malaysia. PHOTO COURTESY OF DAWN CHONG
“The people were really hungry for God’s Word,” recalled Dawn Chionh. “They listened attentively to the preaching, absorbing every single word, wanting to learn more about God.” After preaching to a receptive congregation, Goh gave a healing altar call and many who came forward for prayer were healed as the presence of God descended in the room.
One memorable healing took place when mission team member Alan Peh, a designer, prayed for a man who could not run due to pain in his feet. Peh stepped out in faith and asked the man to run. When he did so, he experienced no pain. The man was so excited by his healing that he started running from one end of the hall to the other.
Another miracle took place when another team member Rachel Lim, a flight stewardess, prayed for an elderly woman suffering from pain in her knees. After praying, the pain was totally gone and the old lady could walk and bend her knees with ease.
One thing Chionh was moved by was the people’s deep love for God. “They lead a relaxed and carefree lifestyle. They love to pray and will always make an effort to attend the morning prayer meetings from 6 to 7 a.m. Whenever there are morning prayer meetings, they would wake up willingly, as early as 4:30 a.m., prepare breakfast for their children, go to church and pray before going back home to send their children to school and go to work. It is quite amazing,” she remarked.