Through a nine-day mission trip to Jakarta, Indonesia, City Harvest Church sought to strengthen local churches and break new ground.
Contributed by Rubez Wong

Lim (in red) met up and prayed with pastors and staff of various churches in his recent trip to Indonesia.
Missions-minded City Harvest Church is in a season of sending out mission teams to various parts of Asia. From May 7 to 16, one of its assistant pastors, Lim Meng Chin embarked on a one-man mission to Jakarta, Indonesia.
Lim is no stranger to missions work, having done missions in Taiwan, Thailand, China, Haiti, Malaysia and India. On this trip to Jakarta, Lim met up with pastors and staff from four local churches, namely GBI Altar Filadelfia, GPdI Lippo Cikarang, Overcomers Church and GBI Kia.
The objective of this trip was for CHC to continue building on existing relationships with the church leaders in Indonesia, as well as to plan and discuss practical ways in which CHC could help these churches.
Said Lim, “Besides praying and sharing the Word of God with the church leaders and staff, we planned and discussed ideas for evangelism and discipleship. We touched on practical strategies that included Bible study, outreach to the community and cell group management.”
Lim attended the graduation ceremony for GBI Altar Filadelfia members who had completed the church’s Bible study program. The program is structured similarly to that of the Bible study classes conducted in CHC. He also taught the Bible study classes while he was there.
At Overcomers Church, Lim preached at a youth service in GPdI Lippo Cikarang, and conducted a special leadership training course.
“It was a very fruitful trip. Through all that has been done, we hope to strengthen the church, particularly the youth, in their efforts toward building strong local churches in the region,” he said.
Rounding off the schedule for the nine days were five services at GBI Kia, where Lim again preached.
The local churches were touched and encouraged by the mission trip. “I could see that the teaching of the Word was very relevant and in season for both the local church staff and members,” said Lim.
He shared that CHC has plans to make more trips to the area to further assist the leadership, in particular by conducting leadership courses for the staff and cell group leaders, as well as to hold Emerge Youth conferences for the young people in these churches.